Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria
Hunters Killed 75 Boko Haram Members In Maiha Adamawa, Set To Recapture Mubi
Nov 13, 2014 – Adamawa Hunters Vow To Takeover Mubi From Boko Haram After Killing 75 Terrorists
Hunters Killed 75 Boko Haram Fighters In Maiha Adamawa Using Spiritual Powers, Set To Recapture Mubi From Boko Haram
Armed with charms and unseen spiritual powers, courageous hunters based in Mubi town in Adamawa are mobilising to recapture Mubi from the grip of Boko Haram.
This followed the successful counter attack on the insugernts in Maiha LGA of Adamawa where the terrorists had earlier killed a Lieutenant Colonel and several soldiers during an ambush attack.
The hunters reportedly killed 75 Boko Haram members yesterday using spiritual powers.
A resident of Maiha who escaped to Yola, told reporters that the local hunters, who mostly armed themselves with bows and arrows and black powers, decided to mobilise themselves to fight the insurgents following the alleged killing of the soldiers on Monday.
Sources in Adamawa say other hunters from the state are working with the Nigerian troops to take over towns captured by the terrorists.
The hunters are not alone in this battle, the State Governor Ngilari has donated 3 Toyota Hilux trucks and several ammunition to enable them to effectively combat the terrorists.
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Loveth Chukwu
November 13, 2014 at 3:20 PM
They ought to have done this a long time what are they waiting for
November 13, 2014 at 3:22 PM
Kudos!!!! To the hunter I guess govt shud empower dem to fight for their people.
November 13, 2014 at 3:28 PM
Well done!people have right to defense them self from those cancers
November 13, 2014 at 3:39 PM
kudos to the courageous hunter
November 13, 2014 at 3:49 PM
That’s better,@ least if the pple we relied on are not doing it am sure this is the hands of God upon them.God ll empower the hunters the more to win the. Battle for the county.
D Hunter
November 13, 2014 at 4:03 PM
I am glad 2 inform all n sundry dat, anywhr u c a Hunter, respects him. They re known 4 dia bravity d World ova. These were dsame terrorists dat our able soldiers were runnin awy 4rm wt all d energies they posses dat HUNTERS ar nw killin lk bush rats & ar still countin….
mr fact
November 13, 2014 at 5:00 PM
This is awesome glamour,God will strengthen you more to do greater than this
November 13, 2014 at 5:24 PM
I pray Jona Govt will not go after them. As soon as Mubi Town Hunter’s over power Boko/H. Federal Govt. may use their own people to arrest them. GOD Save Our Soul from Nigeria Government.
November 13, 2014 at 6:14 PM
Some pipul is koment mess jus bicos na hunters wey they are say is kill Boko Haram in steady of army. They are now say us make we come to de respect hunters wey de kill rat for bush. Make them also be tell us to be name our child hunters. I am no be call some pipul name o.
November 13, 2014 at 8:01 PM
Kudos to our Hunters,in mubi,God Almight be with u,kill all Boko Harms,and puch rest back to their country of origin,cos majority are not nigeria.Thanks be to God and our great hunters,is time all nigerians with any kind of power,both spritual power or any other form of power to stop this madness call Boko Harms,making our country people in north-east slepples night,kill of this killer,with their balck flag back to their country or any country we dont need them here.
November 14, 2014 at 12:09 AM
D Hunter
November 14, 2014 at 3:50 AM
@ bench, I‘d rily aprecia8 if u cld tell me hw my comment had anytin 2 do wt u b4 insultin Me 4 no justifiable rzn.
November 14, 2014 at 6:38 AM
I am no be think am to be insulted you. If you is come to be undastooding it say I was insulted to you, then I am a sorry in my soul to you. Hunters are try, but no be to leaving where we are go and is com to be griet them or wosheep them. They are do wetin they is supos do.