Ini Edo Biography, Life History, Wedding Video, Latest News & Pictures
Ini Edo Biography
Updated April 23rd, 2014 – Ini Edo Biography, Life History, Wedding Video, Latest News & Pictures
This Biography of Nigerian actress Ini Edo is brought to you by
Iniobong Edo Ekim born on April 23rd, 1982 hails from Akwa Ibom. The actress who is popularly known as Ini Edo is among the top actresses in Nollywood ( the Nigerian film industry). Her very first film was “Thick Madam” (2003). She has featured in over a 100 films, just 30 in 2007 alone.
Although she loves acting, has acted since she was a child in church and at school, and even though she studied theatre arts at the University of Uyo, she did not see herself becoming an actress! She was thinking of going into law or television. Nollywood at that point had not yet taken off. But one thing led to another and she found herself acting in a film. Both she and others were pleased with how well she did.
Well, her father was not so pleased, not at first. He wanted her to get her degree first. And besides, she was just 19 at the time, a young woman. To become a film actress meant going to a city far away where she knew no one. He was afraid people would take advantage of her. But it all turned out well in the end: a film director saw her talent and took her under his wing and looked out for her like a father. And she did get her degree too, from the University of Calabar, though it was not easy to balance acting with her studies.
Some actresses feel like they have to sleep with the producer to get ahead. She thinks that does not work in the long run, not as well as hard work and talent. Men came on to her all the time when she was single, but she did not let them turn her head: she knew what they all were after.
In November 2008 she got married to Philip Ehiagwina, a businessman. Nollywood actress Rita Dominic came to the wedding. Edo had a second wedding in February 2009 in America, in Houston, Texas, where her husband is based.
Their relationship had been in the newspapers: not just because Edo is one of those people that newspapers like to write things about, true and untrue, but also because Ehiagwina had already been married, to Ruth Okoro, a Nigerian-American model and actress. Okoro made his leaving her for Edo ugly and public, both of them saying terrible things about each other. If Okoro is to be believed, Ehiagwina is a heartless, untrustworthy character.
Ini Edo is an Ibibio from Akwa Ibom state in the south-east, not far from Calabar. Her mother was a teacher and her father, a church elder. She had a strict upbringing, the second of four children, three girls, one boy.
She graduated from the University of Uyo where she got a Diploma in Theatre Arts. She also completed her Bachelors Degree program at the University of Calabar where she studied English.
Ini Edo’s acting career started in year 2000. She was uncovered by a producer at an audition she attended; impressed by Ini’s performance, he gave her a new role in his movie. Ini gave the role her best and since then, it’s been one movie role to the other until she climbed the ladder of success.
After working her way to the Top-List in Nollywood with over sixty movies to her credit, Ini Edo has proven to be one of the popular and talented actresses in Nollywood. Apart from her acting career, she’s also participate in charitable trust, despite her busy work schedule, she carves out time and energy to visit and assist the less fortunate in the society.
Ini Edo Wedding Video and Pictures

June 28, 2013 at 10:10 PM
ini edo dey beauti to behold. i luv every tin abt u keep up.4rm akwaibom.dey last time i saw u was in ma skul in uyo u came wit emen act a movie.i wish takin to u but there was no way.i want to be like dis ma num pls help 08103043149
June 29, 2013 at 8:42 PM
ini you are one in a Million,I Enjoys all your movies and am Happy you are married now,May God grant you and your family your heart desire…You are Blessed.,
Jeffery Dormu
June 30, 2013 at 11:51 AM
Well like I said my name Jeffery Dormu frm Liberia born citizen.thanks 4 all you went through my Dear.right nw you is a nation proud happy to meet you one good return.
Thank you 4 all ur digress
I do not have more to say, but special thnx to your lovely father and mother my Dear
mouchily gizelle
July 3, 2013 at 6:14 PM
ini ilove so much u are my model bcs u did not change ur coulor like other actrss
July 19, 2013 at 12:32 PM
But Its not healthy enough to keep getting married to different men. For me and as long as the teaching of the Church and the Sacrament of Holy-Matrimony is concern, marriage is sacrosanct and should be treated with sanctity and respect; it is not a conventional game to be played and discarded at will. please humble yourself and mind your marriage. stop listening to misguided advice from councilors and friends. Always subscribe to the Catechism Of The Catholic Church(CCC) For the truth of Marriage. Thanks.
Banziemo Urfet
August 5, 2013 at 1:31 PM
Iam Urfet,I have just read Ini Edo’s biography and I am very excited and amazed because of her performance.Only 13 years from the beginning of her career until now Ini become one of the popular and talented actress in Nollywood movies. Ilike the way she acts in movies and her natural beauty,I don’t care about her different weddings with men because she is a human being and she has her reasons and Idon’t mind her private life because it is none of my business,I really appreciate her Professional activities Ini keep on working hard because you are an encouraging example for girls, especially for those who were born in 1982 Congo Brazzaville
Austin Gabriel
November 17, 2013 at 11:36 AM
i luv every bit of ur acting, u make me luv movies.
December 22, 2013 at 8:45 PM
Enyiepo Ivo
April 2, 2014 at 1:05 PM
i will not wish u a happy stay in ur married home because you snarsh someboies husband may somebody snarsh your husband too
May 8, 2014 at 1:37 PM
Ini edo
November 25, 2014 at 9:04 AM
She is one of my best actresses and I normally her parts/ roles in most of the films she had acted in; I like her dress code too
Franco Abu
December 12, 2014 at 7:40 AM
HI Ini i am very happy for your best acting in the Nollywood industry,your way of acting and dressing and even specking.I wish i could be with you for the rest of my life in your arms.The only thing you did which was against my competency is when you allowed yourself to fall in a mate marriage.Just take good look at yourself its dose not matter where came from but who you are now and you can do please never let that repeat again.Thanks for your maverlous acting.
Franco Abu
December 12, 2014 at 7:43 AM
I like you very very much the best be with you forver.
January 15, 2015 at 9:41 PM
I luv your movies.Yu got the talents exploit it to your fullness.Am happy to learn you got time for less fortunate too in the society. Keep it up.See more of you Idi Eno.
January 15, 2015 at 9:44 PM
Luv your movies . Keep it up.See more of you Idi. Happy to learn you got time for less fortunate in the society.
See more of you Idi.
March 20, 2015 at 12:03 PM
ini ini u are awesom from cameroon
August 19, 2015 at 8:25 PM
Ini Edo I really enjoy watching ur movies,u r such a wonderful actress,keep it up also we ur fans love u
prince Godsgift Afii
August 23, 2015 at 12:42 AM
keep on gud work and God will be ur strength
November 19, 2015 at 12:39 AM
kisses to you ini-baby. 07068964958. what do you think about the poor?
March 31, 2016 at 2:49 PM
I’m proud to have you as a Sister and i need your assistant. 08160505576
lerato kotsedi
April 12, 2016 at 7:44 PM
I wish I could meet up with you one day,your such an entertainer, love u sister…..lerato kotsedi from south Africa
April 13, 2016 at 5:56 PM
Ini edo is an actress so she have to behave like an actress no mather what she does,that’s non of you guyz business
Elizabeth Imeh Friday
May 9, 2016 at 3:23 PM
Hello Ini Edo. I’ve been dreaming to meet you n even to play a role with you. You are my role model. you have put smiles on the faces of akwaibomites in the entertainment world.
Elizabeth Imeh Friday
May 9, 2016 at 3:35 PM
Hello ini edo. I have been dreaming of meeting with you and if possible play a role with you. you are my role model. you have really put smiles on the faces of akwaibomites in the entertainment world.
nnekwe destiny
July 26, 2016 at 10:12 PM
wow i just finish watchin u in one of d movies u acted CRY OF THE FATHERLESS OR MOTHERLESS am sorry i didn’t check d title very well,ha baby girl INI EDO u too much infact more grace to ur elbow mmmueee
Henry ikpe
December 24, 2016 at 8:37 AM
Marry X-mas to u in adv
shamiso makuni
January 25, 2017 at 3:37 PM
ya hot gal.kip tha fire burning.ya ma best actress.
chidochashe chidanhika
May 22, 2017 at 7:45 AM
ini edo you are my best actress .people always say we look alike .l wish to see you one day
Frederick Reed
February 10, 2018 at 5:09 PM
Frederick Reed from Cape Town South Africa
lni Edo that’s ur film name, I like it,the best think of that move is ,where u take u two childs to a other place n u look for wrk.Me always watch Nigerian movies,but if u not in I change the channel.Never 4get how special u or.When me n my wife watch any movie of u dan Isay theres my sweetheart.Like to hear from u.Many blessing to u n family.Thank u
billy jacob
February 28, 2019 at 9:44 PM
ini you are very inspirational, by ur looks, focus and countenance….makes one feel rejuvenated even when they were dwindling in hope.
Prince Kollie
April 1, 2019 at 1:20 AM
Ini Edo, I must appreciate you for being focused throughout your educational and career sojourn.
Indeed am impressed by your life story and I have no regret whatsoever making you my favorite actress.
I just want to urge you to see the sky as you limit in whatever you found yourself doing and let God
Almighty be your guardian in all that you do. Prince Kollie, writes from Monrovia, Liberia.