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Protest As White Racist Yale PhD Student Calls Police On Black, Nigerian Graduate Student Sleeping In Dorm Common

Sarah Braasch racist

Protest As White Racist, Yale PhD Student Calls Police On Black, Nigerian Graduate Student Sleeping In Dorm Common

US-based Nigerians have protested over the racial bias incident against a Nigerian, Ms Lolade Siyonbola, a graduate student at the Yale University.

The Organisation for the Advancement of Nigerians (OAN), in a letter addressed to the President of Yale University, Peter Salovey, and signed by OAN President, Solomon Bakare, demanded strong actions over the incident.

Siyonbola had on May 8, posted two videos of the incident on Facebook, alleging a ‘white’ student found her sleeping on a couch in Yale’s Hall of Graduate Studies, and called police officers.

racist phd student call police on black nigerian graduate student

She said she was woken up by Sarah Braasch, a Philosophy PhD student, who told her she was not allowed to be there and called authorities.

The Nigerian organisation called for more direct action to condemn Sarah’s behaviour, to send a strong message against any future occurrence.

“To ensure incidents of this nature is not given breathing ground in the Yale community, we would like to see more direct action taken to condemn Sarah’s behaviour, to send the message that it is against what Yale stood for and the community you have the vision to build.

“While we commend the initiative of hosting a listening session for the Yale community to share their thoughts on how to prevent such incident in the future, we strongly believe a direct statement condemning Sarah’s insensitive action is warranted at this time.

“We trust you will use your good office to change this unfortunate narrative and make Yale a leading example for other institutions to emulate,” OAN said.

The organisation said it would continue to monitor the event and take appropriate actions if and when necessary.

OAN said, however, that the incident was not an indictment of Yale, but an unfortunate narrative of our broader society.

“We know of many African students and Nigerians in particular, who have passed through the prestigious Yale community without dealing with similar overt racist student.

“This is why we are convinced that this is more of an aberration and not the norm at Yale,” the Nigerian organisation said.



  1. Yale Grad Student

    May 25, 2018 at 6:45 AM

    Why is the bitch running away from camera. I use to hear about her horror story until a fellow Nigerian set her up. I was told it’s set up to curb her excesses

  2. Mon

    May 25, 2018 at 7:06 AM

    The worst racism is at home, black, for this white folks, that’s what we have to live with because 1 in every 5 white has this racist gene in him/her, the remedy is to stand your ground.

    Most importantly, it ain’t going away until our so called leaders starts to reason with their brain and do the right thing at home, they are the ones making most people look inferior outside.

  3. Lola Olu

    May 25, 2018 at 10:01 AM

    I dont get it. Why are the policed involved? where is the university authority?
    Harassment of the highest order. Or is there more to this.

  4. iron bar

    May 25, 2018 at 11:33 AM

    Before nko..racism which refused to evapourate under obama is here to stay….

  5. Lola O

    May 25, 2018 at 2:03 PM

    As a proud parent of a Yale graduate (Class of 2015), I have personal knowledge and experience that Yale is one of the universities in America where students and staff interact like family and form long lasting bond of friendship. My daughter has Chinese, Japanese, African, European friends with whom they vacation and relates together and race or skin color has never been an issue. If I had to do it over, I will still send my child to Yale university. Sometimes, we encounter one or two off the hook racists, but their behavior is not a reflection of the institution or an indication that racism is tolerated or acceptable.

  6. Lola O

    May 25, 2018 at 2:06 PM

    As a proud parent of a Yale graduate (Class of 2015), I have personal knowledge and experience that Yale is one of the universities in America where students and staff interact like family and form long lasting bond of friendship. My daughter has Chinese, Japanese, African, European friends with whom they vacation and relate together and race or skin color has never been an issue. If I had to do it over, I will still send my child to Yale university. Sometimes, we encounter one or two off the hook racists, but their behavior is not a reflection of the institution or an indication that racism is tolerated or acceptable.

  7. Star

    May 25, 2018 at 2:55 PM

    She’s really rude to those policemen.

  8. Lola O

    May 25, 2018 at 3:45 PM

    All universities in America have their own on-campus police.

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