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october borns facts personality traits


October Borns Facts, Personality Traits, Marriage And Love Life (All You Need To Know About People Born In October)

october borns facts personality traits

October Born Baby Facts, Negative Traits, Love Life & Personality: Things To Expect When In A Relationship With An October Born

All You Need To Know About People Born In October

October born males and females are one of the brightest stars on the earth. They are cool people who know how to treat others well. They are simply wonderful.

October has produced more presidents in the world than any other month. We have to admit that October borns are powerful personalities. They can get manifest desires so fast that everyone wonders where they get their luck from.

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People born in October are extraordinary, friendly and optimistic. They are great friends. They are sweet lovers. Read on to discover more about these October borns.

October Born Baby Facts

October born people are full of life and positivity. Everyone loves them. With their natural charm and grace, they can gain the love of anyone. Here are 15 October born baby facts.

They love to chat and meet new people:

October born babies love to make friends. They enjoy having conversations with other people. They are good orators. They know how to keep an audience engaged. People love them and they love the world too. They are energetic folks. They can lighten up a gloomy environment with their wits and smooth talks.

They are charismatic:

October born people abound in charisma. They are just perfect. They can get anyone to notice them. They can get the attention of people. Most times, they are often stared at even when they are not aware. They have a positive influence on others. They can get anyone to agree to what they say.

october borns facts personality traits

They have a magnetic personality:

October born individuals have a magnetic personality. People are drawn to them. They have more people wanting to be close to them than they can count. People see them and like them in an instant. They are very much admired. October borns tend to become very popular. People like to be around them. Their poise and carriage is superb.

They are charming and confident:

People born in October are charming. They are attractive. They have great looks. They are confident. They hold themselves in high esteem. They won’t degrade themselves or accept things below their worth. They are people of value who demand to be valued.

They are emotionally intelligent:

October born people are empaths. They care about other people’s feelings. They put others into consideration before they take certain decisions. They are aware of their own emotions and know how to deal with them. October borns can be emotional folks who constantly seek to understand the emotions of other people. This helps them gain insight on how to deal with others.

They prefer to be in a quiet place:

People born in October love peace and quiet. They prefer to be in a quiet place. They love serene environments because they thrive better in them. They love harmony and do not feel happy with dispute. They are calm and try to avoid trouble. Conflict worries them a lot. They avoid arguments and fights.

They are hospitable:

October borns are hospitable. They can make anyone feel at home. They sure can take care of others. They are homely. They prefer home-made food to fast food. They are good cooks and hospitable individuals. They make sure everyone feels good and happy. They know how to make others feel comfortable.

They can be good team leaders:

October borns are good team leaders who can lead a self-motivated team. They are optimistic. They can motivate a team. They push others to do more. They constantly try to improve other people. They have a positive attitude. They never lose hope even when everything goes wrong. They make sure to reach their goals. They are fighters who keep fighting their way through life.

They have a friendly personality:

People born in October are super friendly. They can make friendly acquaintances easily. They have an happy and smiling face. They are very much approachable and are always willing to talk to anyone. They have a charming personality. They can make new friends wherever they go. They are nice to strangers too. They are the best of friends.

They make sure to accomplish every task:

October borns are sure to follow through on every task. They will do anything to make sure they get something done. They love to have achievements to their name. They love to bask in the feeling of being accomplished. They make sure to finish what they have started. They can take on the toughest tasks. They will go the extra mile so they don’t stop halfway.

They are great thinkers:

October born people have a profound intellectual capacity. Their brains are sharp and very active. They engage in thorough thinking before deciding on important matters. They tend to think a lot. They are always found brainstorming ways to improve living conditions and work ethics. They will evaluate their options before venturing into any endeavor.

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They have a logical mind:

People born in October have a logical mind. They are logic oriented people. They don’t do things without using their logic. They are good at analyzing situations. They weigh options well and view from different perspectives. They are blessed with the ability to come up with solutions. They are often sought after for advice.

They are extremely curious:

October individuals are very curious. They love to learn. They seek to know more. October borns are readers. They are readers who go on to become leaders. They will be found seeking knowledge from wise people. They are not afraid to ask questions or ask to be taught. They are inquisitive beings who are consistent and active learners. They make sure to learn a new thing every single day.

They research thoroughly on matters of interest:

October borns seek to know more. They can go to any length just to understand certain concepts. They research thoroughly on matters of interests. They search for information on certain things that intrigue them. They may want to know everything. People wonder why they get so disturbed because they want to find out about certain topics.

They are solution providers:

People who are born in October are solution providers. They think most of the time. They are deep thinkers that seek to explore better ways of doing things. They love to proffer solutions to problems. They are most called upon to suggest ways of solving issues. They can come up with perfect solutions that will please everyone.

15 Things To Expect When In A Relationship With A October Born

Anyone dating an October born is very lucky. They are sweet lovers. They know how to make their lovers feel good. They are specially designed for love. They breathe love and are affectionate souls. These are 15 things to expect when dating an October born.

They are beautiful and sexy:

People born in the month of October are beautiful. They are lovely to look at. They have exquisite looks that can distract anyone. They are sexy individuals and can keep their lovers hooked with this natural charm. They are super cute lovers.

They are romantic lovers:

October borns are romantically inclined. They are great with romance. They shower their lovers with sweet talks. They pay attention to little details that make their lovers feel loved. They seem to never run out of romantic gestures. October born people add love to everything.

They can win anyone over with their sweet talk:

October born people can win anyone over with their sweet talk. They know how to use the right words at the right time. They can make anyone to see things their way. They can persuade others to do certain things. They can influence others. October borns have a way of getting things to work the way they want it.

They value relationships:

People born in October place a high value on their relationships. They do not joke with their partners. They do not tolerate any ill talk concerning their lovers. They love so much and they do not want anything bad to happen to whoever they are dating. They always want to make them happy.

They can do everything for a partner:

October born people can do anything for the person they love. They can give anything just to make their partner feel at ease. They love to make them feel good about themselves. When they love, they love with all their heart. Anyone who dates an October born will feel special because they can take risks just to please their partner.

They are brilliant diplomats:

October borns are brilliant. They are diplomats. They can settle disputes. They will find a way to make everyone happy. They love it when peace and happiness is the order of the day. They can say the exact words to trigger the right emotions from people. This is why they are fit to hold public posts.

They attach high value to intellect:

People who are born in October have a knack for intelligence. They prefer to associate with highly intellectual beings. They love to move with people who they can learn from. They make sure to learn lessons and know more from the words of wise people. They select who to have a meaningful conversation with.

They can be a little flirty:

October borns can be a little flirty. They are natural flirts when with their partner. They do what they are comfortable with. They are romantic and flirtatious. They love to play with their partner. They are happiest when having fun with their partner. They love to go places and have unique experiences together with their lover.

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They have an easy going attitude:

October borns are easy going. They are calm and peaceful. They hate to argue. They do not like being in conflict with someone. They can find common ground with anybody. In a relationship, they will make sure to plead with their partner even if they were right. They allow peace to reign.

They are easily hurt but recover easily:

October born people can easily get hurt. They have a fragile heart. They do not like being heartbroken. They guard their heart from hurt. October borns also recover from hurt easily. When they get hurt, they tend to get over it pretty fast. They forget that they have been hurt and find it easy to move on.

They are independent and tactical:

October born folks are independent  and firm. They can do many things by themselves. They can find solutions without the help of anyone else. They can think for themselves. They will always find a way to get something done. Their tactfulness helps them get through life.

They are unpredictable and full of surprises:

October borns are unpredictable. Their partner may not be able to predict their next move or what they may be up to. While they may not be secretive, they are sure to be up to many unknown things. They are full of surprises. They are sure to have something up their sleeves.

They are level headed:

People born in October are level headed people. They can make good judges. They can maintain good balance and harmony between two sides in a difficult situation. They are cool enough to understand everybody’s pain concerning a particular matter. They strive to find a way to make everyone happy at the end of the day.

They desire comfort:

October borns desire to be comfortable in life. As much as they may be understanding, they secretly crave for a better life. They love to acquire good things. They love being given treats. They seek a life full of enjoyment. They crave luxury and comfort.

They are good communicators:

October born people are good communicators. They can speak their minds out and get their message passed across. They can get anyone to understand their plight and see reasons with them. They can use words effectively to gain the results they need.

Read interesting facts about people born in JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember, OctoberNovemberDecember.

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  1. Fifelomo

    February 22, 2019 at 7:52 AM

    Very true.

  2. Seun Emmanuel

    February 22, 2019 at 8:05 AM

    God bless whoever wrote this.
    You made my day and got me smiling.
    I believe everything u wrote. I represent October 15

  3. lukson

    February 23, 2019 at 7:29 PM

    The write up mentioned every bit of my character as a Libra. Stay bless the writer!

  4. Solomon Nyirongo

    July 4, 2019 at 2:41 PM



    July 25, 2019 at 7:28 PM

    Oh ..!!! Wow….This is me inside and out … Bless these babies God ?????❤

  6. Kauna Abdul

    October 9, 2019 at 8:52 PM

    You guys just wrote all these things the way they truly are, this is the best I’ve read. Almost everything is true, I love you guys plenty.

  7. Rhema

    November 18, 2019 at 3:37 PM

    is all about me writer you said it all

  8. PNGubs

    April 24, 2020 at 11:53 PM

    This is me! Me! Me! Thanks 😊

  9. luchi

    June 14, 2020 at 10:24 PM

    Lolx very funny I love me…

  10. Uchechukwu Orji

    September 21, 2020 at 9:24 AM

    Wow that’s true infact everything about me.

  11. Gift

    January 13, 2023 at 12:07 AM

    This is Exactly me
    Like everything about me us here

    Thanks so much Writer for this

  12. blakk doll

    April 8, 2024 at 12:11 PM

    Very amazed about my personality!!! this is exactly me…Oh My God

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