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US Gives $10M Aid To Nigeria To Fight Ebola Virus Disease

us $10m ebola aid nigeria

Sept 9, 2014 – US Gives $10M Aid To Nigeria To Fight Ebola Virus Disease

The US is set to contribute a whopping $10million to Nigeria in order to help in eradicating the deadly Ebola virus ravaging the country and other West African countries.

This was made known by Washington Officials today.

The latest cash infusion would bring to more than $100 million the funds that the US government has spent trying to combat the outbreak, the US Agency for International Development said.

USAID said the funds will help finance a deployment by the African Union (AU) of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel to Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

“The US is committed to supporting the African Union’s response to the urgent needs across West Africa as a result of this vicious disease,” said Rajiv Shah, the head of USAID.

“We can and will stop this epidemic, but it will take a coordinated effort by the entire global community,” Shah said.

The funds provided by USAID and the State Department will be used to transport to the affected region a contingent of about 25 doctors and 45 nurses, as well as other medical staff tasked with running Ebola treatment units, where patients are kept in insolation while recovering from the illness.



  1. Odunaike Benson

    September 9, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    Another opportunity for massive looting, let the stealing begin,

  2. jc

    September 9, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    Give us zmapp you dey give us money, wetin u wan make we take the money buy?

    Naijagist if u like no post my comment, e no concern me, when you tire to dey swallow am, one day you go post am.

  3. Oyin

    September 9, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    what we need is the antibody used for the nurses…not this.

    Follow my movies and music video review sites at www.****.com

  4. Damien Njoku

    September 9, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Thanks to Obama

  5. biola

    September 9, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    please najia gist , why are you always rejecting my comments , i thought that we can express our opinion
    for the usa , we dont need the money , we need the treatment on both the two usa patient that has been discharged and the recently discharged uk guy, i still cant understand how come this people can be cured but african are still dying from it , something is really wrong

  6. Mon

    September 9, 2014 at 10:55 PM

    The headline should read ” NIGERIA GIVES USA $10M TO HELP THEM FIGHT EBOLA”.
    This yankees has being deceiving people for a long time,they are not helping any country. Capital of evil rule.

  7. Aj

    September 9, 2014 at 11:27 PM

    we need zmapp or whatever name you people call it not money for campaign for coming election

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