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Boko Haram News Update in Nigeria

Boko Haram Targets Children, Timed Bomb Found In Children’s Playground

boko haram children playground in kadunaTimed Bomb On Children’s Playground

Feb 17, 2012 – Boko Haram Targets Children, Explosive Found In Children’s Playground

Another tragedy has been averted in Kaduna on today as an undetonated bomb planted by Boko Haram militants was safely removed from the children’s playground at Kabala Doki Police Barracks in

According to Sahara Reporters, the children were unconsciously playing with the bomb, before a vigilant adult discovered that it was a time bomb.

The anit-bomb squad was called in and the explosive was successfully detonated.

These Boko Haramists are animals !



  1. Jboy

    February 18, 2012 at 6:32 AM

    Boko haram leader says he kill for Allah, maybe this time Allah ask him to kill children for him. May the anger of God fall on them for using the name of God for their evil deed.

  2. Terry King

    February 18, 2012 at 7:31 AM

    Please the Nigerian Boko Haramist, We the Nigerian are peaceful loving people, I immagine now you want to turn the Nation into an Arabian continent, What we were hearing that occur in other foreign countries are now happening here, what is the cause for this?
    Then let me assure you that, since this things are happening like this; sooner God who kept us in peace but we are disagreeing will turn fight on us by lightning, thunder and Earthquake, lets see where to run to.
    It is ridiculous to us.

  3. ugoh prince

    February 18, 2012 at 8:09 AM

    this boko haram deserves to be pernalise & punish without any mercy

  4. Abizzzy

    February 18, 2012 at 8:55 AM

    Diz boko haram’s r bunch of illitrate,dey dnt knw wat dey want seriouzly.Allah zey tona asirinku

  5. Dan

    February 18, 2012 at 9:42 AM

    Let boko haram continue one day boko haram will kill boko haram b/c president is not from animal kingdom that is why we have boko haram here and there let them come outside and say they need their own country once and for all after all the food meant for the human has been shared with the dogs call boko haram i hate this continuation of one nigeria oneday the lion who has been eating meat will turn to eat grass the elders shall serve the younger. I urge boko haram to continue so that G.E.J will know that this country is no more one but 2.

  6. Goke

    February 19, 2012 at 12:25 PM

    Bokoharam simply means western education is forbidden but without this western education the bombs & other weapons they use wont come 2 existence. And they prefere to lie against Allah that they kill for him. Allah will surely judge them well.

  7. olatunbosun

    February 20, 2012 at 4:36 AM

    only god ‘ll save us in dis country.i can’t jus imagine bh attackin small children….not even force lack fear of god and god ‘ll judge them

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