Adamawa State News
Uranium Exposure Kills 62 Adamawa Villagers Ignorantly Sacrificing Goats To Appease gods
July 27, 2016 – Uranium Exposure Kills 62 Adamawa Villagers Ignorantly Sacrificing Goats To Appease Evil Spirits Behind Radiation Exposure For Years
At least 62 people have died in Adamawa state as a result of radiation exposure.
The villagers believed to have been killed by huge deposits of Uranium believed that it was evil spirits that were terrorising them for years.
The director of Geology in Michika area of Adamawa where the disaster happened, Dlama Zira said;
“The people of the affected communities for many years sacrificed hundreds of goats to appease the deity, seeking for protection from the evil spirit that is causing unidentified illness and sudden death in the communities.
“Unknown to them, they were sitting on and drinking water from huge uranium deposit, which was identified by radiation experts as the cause of illness and rampart deaths among them.
Zira who is also an indigene of the affected community said he was also was affected and suffering from radiation illness infected during several field outings.
He is appealing to the State Government to work more on educating the poor villagers on the danger of radiation exposure to prevent such viral deaths in the future.

Keeping it real
July 27, 2016 at 3:37 AM
What caused the leakage in the first place?
July 27, 2016 at 3:46 PM
@ keeping it real, Uranium just like other chemical elements can leak in different ways. It leaks just like any natural gas leak from the surface of earth. This element can be found in in the rock, soil, water and disperse into the air. Just like the methane gas that found in ” Asteroid” that killed Dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Another examples is volcanic eruptions that you see in Mountainous area such as in Southern Italy where some reddish hot liquid substance erupted underneath the mountain and drain to the surface of the earth. All these happens naturally. The people in that area can do nothing about this. They were just unfortunate to settle down in that area. They may be drinking uranium in their water without knowing because it can be trapped inside their water, in the soil or inhaling it. Most of the side effects are kidney damage, lung cancer, bone cancer etc. Infact this chemical compound targets mostly Kidney in human.
Keeping it real
July 27, 2016 at 5:17 PM
Thanks jilo, well explained
D Hunter
July 27, 2016 at 6:18 AM
Ignorance is worse than any disease.
I take a stroll…
July 27, 2016 at 9:10 AM
Rip to dead, something should be done abt it.
Ify angel
July 27, 2016 at 3:28 PM
My pp perish 4 lack of kwldge.
July 27, 2016 at 5:07 PM
Black race have been affected by ignorance for so many years due to our lack of understanding. We have been so lazy to investigate and do proper research as to what might have been causing the sudden death. Thanks to scientific team that finally discovered the root cause and made it known to the public. In Yoruba culture when little kids died, they attributed it to some group of “Emere” (Ogbanje) I.e those children belong to wicked Ogbanje group who came into this World to come and intentionally hurt their parent and make them going through pains and suffering as a result of their untimely death. This believe has been very prevalent among Yorubas until modern science proven it wrong that those kids actually died because they have sickle cell anemia. Our ancestors never knew that some certain blood genotype cannot marry themselves because there was no adequate knowledge then. All they did was making sacrifice and appease to some unknown God just like this village people are doing now. Nowadays people are getting civilized now they check their blood genotype before they get marry. SS individual can never marry another SS. AS cannot marry another AS. This research has drastically helped in reducing infant mortality rate. White people have always believe in reality while we put our believe in Demi-God such as Sango, Ogun Obatala which have contributed to our retrogression by using ourselves for money rituals and non sense killing. I still remember in the early 1980’s when Ibadan people wanted to use hunch back human as a sacrifice to appease to Ogunpa river. The late comedian Jacob was fingered to voluntary to give himself up but the guy was very smart and left the Country before they use him as sacrificial lamb. Just because some area were affected by flood, just imagine how we think. Folks if you believe in those Juju thing, you will be greatly affected, if not and you belief in God, you will be saved and nothing will happen to you.
July 27, 2016 at 7:07 PM
Rip to the dead.
July 27, 2016 at 7:31 PM
Awww so sad its quite an unfortunate case. Ignorance is surely a disease, hope d govt can do somethg about it before d entire community is wiped out.
Big Aunty Koks
July 27, 2016 at 7:44 PM
Isn’t uranium the object used in nuclear enrichment process or something? When it is portrayed in movies the people always wear gloves to emphasize how highly toxic or dangerous the substance is. If it is this same dangerous substance that is involved in this story, then we should not just be commenting on this page but alerting. The Government to engage experts on the subject of controlling the leakage to address the issue and control the spread before it finishes our people.
NaijaGist please keep us posted on the moves made to contain the situation.
July 27, 2016 at 9:30 PM
illiteracy is a capital disease
July 28, 2016 at 6:12 PM
Eyaaa, and they’ve been wasting time and money sacrificing goats. Sorry thuo, the government should really educate his people. RIP to those dead.